There was a time when I would never have dreamed of embarking on a journey to Greenland, but like everyone else, travellers will inevitably change as the years continue to roll by. Now it seems the most natural thing in the world, however it’s certainly … …
Author: Tom Rooney
The sun is becoming increasingly bashful as winter begins to take hold in the Arctic. Iceland’s days are getting shorter at the alarming rate of eight minutes per day, and the shortest day of the year is fast approaching on 21 December, when there will … …
Don’t mess with Iceland, as the locals are wont to say with a wry smile. We may not have cash, but we’ve got ash! And ash and more ash when it comes down to it. In fact the land of fire and ice has around … …
The calming influence of water has been known throughout human history. Mankind appreciates the role of water in providing a fundamental necessity of human life … indeed if we don’t drink, we die. Perhaps this elementary law of nature is the catalyst for our deep … …
The Plains of Bagan are dotted with pagodas, temples and monasteries in every direction. If one were to turn back time a thousand years, history buffs would discover Bagan at the centre of the Pagan empire which unified the country for the first time, and … …
I determined early in the trip that I would enter Myanmar with an open mind, in fact it was almost blank. Er, perhaps that should read … a blank canvas! I didn’t want excessive research to impede a voyage of discovery to this unique travel … …
Psy recently filmed the most watched video in the history of YouTube but may need to have his song’s hook amended, for in Thailand there are many sexy ladies! The country is the party capital of the world, and justifiably famous for the good times … …
Personally I’ve never seen the attraction in leaping out of a perfectly good aeroplane, or climbing to the summit of a Himalayan mountain as high as the aforesaid plane’s crusing altitude, but mountaineers and adventurers are a breed apart. In fact mountaineering in the Himalayas … …
The strength of the Nepalese is one of the most incredible phenomena in nature. When travelling in this mountain country one should not be deceived by appearances, as the load bearing capabilities of the locals are nothing short of prodigious. As an example, let me … …
Landing in Nepal marks a personal milestone for your intrepid travel correspondent. Finally I’m in a position to celebrate 100 countries visited and still going strong! It’s my dream that given continued good health and prosperity I can add further to this tally, and trust … …